daire için 2 misafirler,
30 m2,
3 zemin 3 kat
daire tanımı
Comfortable 1-kіmnatna apartment znahoditsya bilja Church of St. Olga is the Єlizaveti. The 3-xB. Head od walking station is the 10-xs. od center. 700 m Cathedral of St. znahoditsya. Jura, a slit 300 m University Іvana Frank. Good transport spoluchennya. In kvartirі Je bike dvohspalne lіzhko s ortopedichnim mattress that INSHI neobhіdnі Mebli for well vіdpochinku.
W tehnіki - Refrigerator, Washing Machine, televіzor, electric kettle, Prasquier, hair dryer and cable takozh telebachennya that Wi-Fi. Іndivіdualne scorched, scho daє mozhlivіst to regulyuvati temperature in the apartments, Water garjachego / cold tsіlodobovo, pіdіgrіv pіdlogi. In nayavnostі Je neobhіdny all the dishes, postіl, towels that zasobi gіgієni.
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