1-oda. daire için 2 misafirler, 38 m2

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mak. 2 misafir (bebekleri saymamak)
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mak. 2 misafir (bebekleri saymamak)
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Ile sitede 2014 Lettings

diller: Русский
Sadece aracılığıyla iletişim kurun Vlasne. Güvenlik nedeniyle asla para transfer etmeyin ve site dışında iletişim kurmayın.
Rezervasyonu istemek
1944 gün için

Dairenin sahibi


Ile sitede 2014 Lettings

diller: Русский
Sadece aracılığıyla iletişim kurun Vlasne. Güvenlik nedeniyle asla para transfer etmeyin ve site dışında iletişim kurmayın.

daire tanımı

Budget option without compromising the comfort you offer this studio apartment. For a single or a couple, business or entertainment - "Friendship" will suit everyone! Minimum of furniture and maximum space for you: walk, dance, do yoga on the floor. At the same time, the apartment has everything you need for everyday life.

Want to wash - machine-gun, cook food - small but cozy kitchen with everything you need to take a shower - always hot water and shower at your disposal. The interior is not tiring, and colors has a pleasant and relaxing stay, because beige is harmony and stimulates a good mood. This apartment is like the Romantics, because a lot of greenery around, and just 15 minutes walking slowly moved to Khimki Reservoir. Park "Friendship" with small lakes and that closer. And if you need entertainment - the circus is near! The area is quiet, the house is part of a large apartment complex and everything is at your fingertips. On your left - South market with the necessary goods, whether products or household supplies. Right - pizzeria, notary, fitness club, car show ... And the number of places to stay and did not find it: from budget and cafes to stylish and luxurious restaurants. In all of this, the house is in a quiet and cozy street, stepping round the bend where you instantly get rid of the hustle and bustle of the capital.

Tam açıklamayı göster


Kiralama şartları

sonra 11:00
kadar 10:00
3000 uah
İptal politikası
Akşam yemeği partileri
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