1-oda. daire için 2 misafirler, 40 m2

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Ile sitede 2014 Lettings

diller: Русский
Sadece aracılığıyla iletişim kurun Vlasne. Güvenlik nedeniyle asla para transfer etmeyin ve site dışında iletişim kurmayın.
Rezervasyonu istemek
2083 gün için

Dairenin sahibi


Ile sitede 2014 Lettings

diller: Русский
Sadece aracılığıyla iletişim kurun Vlasne. Güvenlik nedeniyle asla para transfer etmeyin ve site dışında iletişim kurmayın.

daire tanımı

Apartment with the spirit of the Great Victory exile of Napoleon and glory of the Russian people. Want to live in such a? Then the "Victoria" - for you! House built with the most ancient thick and mighty walls, yard amazing beauty. All elegant and stylish. Only one apartment per floor - complete privacy, and inside - simple and rustic.

For everyday worries have the necessary equipment and supplies, a huge bed. High ceilings, large windows, warm in winter and cool in summer. In short, not an apartment, and a magical place. The area is also more than decent. Proximity to the center, but the silence in the yard. Walk to the subway you can walk in 5 minutes to get to the Red Square - 10. Legendary Arbat too close. For business people and Expocentre Moscow City. In the evening you can stroll down to the embankment of the Moskva River or walk in the park of the Victory, to pay tribute to the fallen soldiers on Poklonnaya Hill and look to the museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino", photographed with a monument to Kutuzov. All this is complemented by lots of greenery and beauty around. Of restaurants, cafes and nightclubs do not have to say - they are everywhere and in great variety. And let's not here western renovation and unnecessary pomp, modest apartment, but pleasant. Besides, the price is quite democratic in such a place - you will live in the capital and heart of Moscow will be beating in time with yours.

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Kiralama şartları

sonra 11:00
kadar 10:00
3000 uah
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