1-oda. daire için 2 misafirler, 36 m2

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Yaş 2 — 12
mak. 2 misafir (bebekleri saymamak)
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mak. 2 misafir (bebekleri saymamak)
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Ile sitede 2016 Lettings

Sadece aracılığıyla iletişim kurun Vlasne. Güvenlik nedeniyle asla para transfer etmeyin ve site dışında iletişim kurmayın.
Rezervasyonu istemek
903 gün için

Dairenin sahibi


Ile sitede 2016 Lettings

Sadece aracılığıyla iletişim kurun Vlasne. Güvenlik nedeniyle asla para transfer etmeyin ve site dışında iletişim kurmayın.

daire tanımı

Clean, tidy apartment. Reporting documents + CONFIRMATION. On arrival you will receive: - free internet - personal hygiene - regular cleaning and linen + "on demand" - a clean ironing linens and large towels - washing machine, iron, refrigerator, microwave oven, electric kettle, electric - Double , double sofa bed - changing the larva in the castle after each customer's house is located at the intersection of Moscow at the intersection of highway and street.

The Soviet Army in the area of ​​Television center. Nearby: - ​​Café "Velour", "Golden", "Pirate Bay" - entertainment center KINAP, Maximilians - CLINICS REAVIZ, BRANCHEVSKOGO, vocation, clinic Eroshevsky, aesthetics, medicine, neurology, clinical IVF CLINIC DIABETES, CLINICS Medical University, idk , MEDGARD, CLINICAL RESEARCH - Factory "SVT" - Exhibition centers: Expo - Volga, ART CENTER - SRI: VNIITneft Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences. PN Lebedev, SSMU, Volga Center of Geoinformatics - centers of retraining and professional development: Regional Academy of business education, Comte, Nova Prof. Samara oil and gas technology, MNPTS, Academy of Business, Vista, SIPKRO - shopping - entertainment center Megacity, PARK HOUSE - Samara Institute management, the Moscow Institute of Technology, Architecture and construction University, Medical University, Technical University of Aerospace University, Academy of Economics, University Teaching convenient transport interchange in all directions of the city. The nearest stop in 1 minute walk. To give the necessary travel documents to populate the reporting around the clock at any time from 2 hours to a month. Price discussed depending on length of stay. Day - 1200 (5 days) rubles. night - 1300 rub. Night - 1200 rubles. 2 hours - 500 rubles. NO fees and commissions to the specified value are not added for events, a large company, people under 21 years -The apartment - does not give up !!! The collateral provided: a passport, passport, V / V or 1300 rubles. - Returned on departure Call now and get a coupon for a free shuttle service from the station to the GIFT !!!

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Kiralama şartları

sonra 11:00
kadar 10:00
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