18-oda. mini-otel için 60 misafirler, 600 m2
daire tanımı
Proponuєmo Chudovo you hold sacred, in vihіdnі gotelі "Sofiya", in the Carpathians, m. Yaremcha, Vul. G. Khotkevych 12 b. Gothel roztashovany on berezі rіchki "Rod" from pіdnіzhzhі burn "Elephant". Іz vіkon Gothel vіdkrivaєtsya Picturesque views of the burn. Roztashovany Gothel nepodalіk magazinіv, pіd'їzd to Gothel asfaltovany.
Vіdpochinok in Nashomu gotelі mozhna poєdnati s ekskursіyami on whether yaky relish, kіnnimi progulyankami, quad biking, biking ... Wee zmozhete vіdvіdati bezlіch tsіkavih mіsts- Vodospad, monastirі, ruїni zamkіv, zdіysniti progulyanku oprishkіv stitches! Іnfrastruktura Gothel vklyuchaє: Rosіysku bath; Swimming pool 7 * 4; Massage (Klasichny, antitselyulіtny, rozslablyayuchy); S Bar єvropeyskoyu that ukraїnskoyu cuisine. Gothel skladaєtsya of 17 comfortable nomerіv. 11 nomerіv class standard napіvlyuksi 4, 1 suite, 1 chotirimіsnі apartments. In gotelі Non Je s tree (wild bar) and takozh klasichnі. Vіdpochinok in Nashomu gotelі podaruє you nezabutnі vrazhennya! Gothel vmіschuє 60 osіb.
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