1-oda. daire için 4 misafirler, 40 m2,
10 zemin 17 kat

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Bir check-in saati seçin
Check-in zamanı
Yaş 2 — 12
mak. 4 misafir (bebekleri saymamak)
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Bu reklamın minimum kalış süresi — 1
Bir gün için rezervasyon bir gün önce veya varış gününde mümkündür.
Bu süre için minimum kalış süresi —
Lütfen misafir seçin
mak. 4 misafir (bebekleri saymamak)
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Ile sitede 2021 Lettings

Sadece aracılığıyla iletişim kurun Vlasne. Güvenlik nedeniyle asla para transfer etmeyin ve site dışında iletişim kurmayın.
Şimdi kitap
1736 gün için

Dairenin sahibi


Ile sitede 2021 Lettings

Sadece aracılığıyla iletişim kurun Vlasne. Güvenlik nedeniyle asla para transfer etmeyin ve site dışında iletişim kurmayın.

daire tanımı

- NO COMMISSION. - At your disposal is a one-room studio apartment of the residential complex "Domino" - Place of residence in the Sverdlovsk region (right bank of the Yenisei) - Nearby: Supermarket, hairdresser, pharmacy, ATMs, bars, restaurants, hotel, Stolby Reserve, flora and fauna park Roev Ruchey, Fanpark Bobrovy Log, Platinum Arena Stadium.

- Within walking distance of a bus stop, you can go anywhere in the city. - The apartment is clean, comfortable and has everything you need for living and cooking. - The kitchen is equipped with the necessary household appliances, as well as utensils. Everything is fine and working. - In the studio there is an LCD TV, a large double bed, a folding sofa. The sofa can accommodate 2 people. - Bed linen and a towel are provided - (pillows, blanket) - Guests of our city who have come for tourist purposes or on a business trip can stay here. The apartments are equipped with all the necessary accessories for a comfortable stay. Check in from 14.00, Check out until 12.00. - Pay ATTENTION: The apartment is intended for RESIDENCE only. - Accommodation for up to 4 people. (Large bed, folding sofa) - Smoking in the apartment is FORBIDDEN (allowed on the balcony). - NOT FOR RENTAL. - We work with organizations, the conclusion of contracts for accommodation. - You can use the TRANSFER service. - Payment: CASH, NON-CASH settlement, Sberbank ONLINE. - We provide all the necessary REPORTING DOCUMENTS. - For long stays, a DISCOUNT of up to 30% is provided. - the price is from 1400 to 2000 rubles - The price on the website is indicated with a discount !!! - All questions can be asked by phone number indicated in the announcement. - You can also write to us: - We work around the clock !!

Tam açıklamayı göster


Kiralama şartları

sonra 14:00
kadar 12:00
2000 uah
İptal politikası
Akşam yemeği partileri
Check-in ve Check-out koşulları

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