apartment for 2 guests,
26 m2,
1 floor 3-s -storey building
The owner
flat description
1-кімнатна Apartment in the town of G. Skovorodi (Area honey. Institute). 15 minutes to the center of the mist. 10 minutes to the Museum of People’s Architecture і úbutu pіd vіdkritim sky "Shevchenko Guy". 3 xv to Vinnikivsky market. 5 minutes to the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Lichakivsky Tsvintar".
Tsogo rocku zaboleny designer repair, all furniture new. Rozkladny sofa for 2 bedrooms m_stsya. Іndivіdualne opalennya, pіdіgrіv p_dlogi. Submission of hot water to the garden. Fridge. mikrohvilova pіch, electric kettle, praska, pralna machine, television, post, towels. Hour of settling: 13: 00 Hour of hanging: 11:00 Obov'yazkova on the visitor of the guest document, just to take care of the 1-room apartment on the streets of G. Skovorodi (District Medical Institute). 15 minutes to the center of the mist. 10 minutes to the Museum of People’s Architecture і úbutu pіd vіdkritim sky "Shevchenko Guy". 3 xv to Vinnikivsky market. 5 minutes to the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Lichakivsky Tsvintar". Tsogo rocku zaboleny designer repair, all furniture new. Rozkladny sofa for 2 bedrooms m_stsya. Іndivіdualne opalennya, pіdіgrіv p_dlogi. Submission of hot water to the garden. Fridge. mikrohvilova pіch, electric kettle, praska, pralna machine, television, post, towels. Hour settling: 13: 00 Hour Viselennya: 11:00 Obov'yazkova on the visitor of the guest documents, scho zsvchyuyat person
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