1-кімн. квартира для 4 гостей, 40 м2

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Діти Вік 2 — 12
Максимум 4 гостя (за винятком немовлят)
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Максимум 4 гостя (за винятком немовлят)
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На сайті з квітня 2019 Здає

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802 за добу

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На сайті з квітня 2019 Здає

Написати власнику
Спілкуйтеся лише через Vlasne. З метою безпеки ніколи не переказуйте гроші і не спілкуйтеся за межами сайту

опис квартири

Comfortable apartments in a residential complex Seasons (Winter 3), the area of the Botanical Garden, 15-20 minutes to the Airport. . The apartment is perfect cleanliness, without odors !!! . For daily rent, at night, by the hour. There are also other 1-2-bedroom apartments in the LCD Seasons and the Cote d'Azur.

. The apartment has 2 comfortable sofa beds, the kitchen is fully equipped with all necessary appliances and utensils for cooking and eating. . Developed infrastructure: convenience stores, pharmacies, cafes, restaurants, as well as shopping and entertainment complexes, cinemas, nightclubs, lounge bars, karaoke, and more. . Within walking distance are the Botanical Garden, the Republican Bicycle Track, the Astana Arena Stadium, the Alau Ice Palace, the Barys Arena Ice Hockey Palace, medical centers, the Republican Research and Production Center for Transfusiology, the Republican Children's Rehabilitation Center, the National Research Center of Oncology and Transplantology, National Scientific Cardiac Surgery Center, National Scientific Center for Maternity and Childhood Anam Bala, Republican Center for Emergency Medical Aid, School of Medicine Nazarbayev Unive versity and more. . . . . . . . . . . Shopping and entertainment center Keruen (Keruen), Baiterek monument, Khan Shatyr shopping center, City Prosecutor’s Office, Kaztransgaz, Kazmunaygas, Kaztransoil, Forte bank (Forte bank), Ministry of Defense, Astana Opera Theater, Korme exhibition, school, library, auto centers, are located nearby. Mega Silkway shopping and entertainment complex (Mega Silk way), City Court, National Academy of Choreography, Expo 2017 (Expo), Nazarbayev University, Kazmedia, Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, House of Ministries, Marriot Hotel, Hilton, Ritz-Karlton, Rixos President, McDonald's , Water-Green Boulevard, LCD Nursaya, bi carrying centers Moscow, St. Petersburg, Children's Infectious Diseases Hospital, Perinatal Center, City Clinical Hospital, Polyclinic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, airport. Apartments for rent daily hourly, by the hour cheap, cheap, the city of Astana, the left bank of Esil district, discounts.

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після 11:00
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5000 грн
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