1-кімн. квартира для 3 гостей, 35 м2

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Діти Вік 2 — 12
Максимум 3 гостя (за винятком немовлят)
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Будь ласка, виберіть гостей
Максимум 3 гостя (за винятком немовлят)
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На сайті з лютого 2017 Здає

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2221 за добу

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На сайті з лютого 2017 Здає

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опис квартири

BOOK TODAY, WITHOUT A LOAN! Comfortable apartment for business trip or family rest. At guests' disposal: - Double bed with orthopedic comfortable mattress. - Clean and clean bed linen. - Towels, slippers and hygiene products. - TV, digital TV - Free Wi-Fi - Refrigerator - Stove - Microwave - Washing machine - Bath / shower - Fully equipped kitchen, crockery, all for cooking.

- Tea, coffee, all accessories - Transfer from the airport (additional payment) - We do documents for reporting! Wonderful apartment in 1 minute walk from the metro station Novogireevo. A large bed, plasma TV is a great place for young couples. The apartment is located very close to the station. metro Novogireevo, so you will not be difficult to get to it. Its basic colors - bed colors - are ideal for rest, which will be necessary for you after walks, and for work; as well as for romantic meetings. The apartment is designed for 2 people (maximum), for which a bedroom set is made of a wide double bed. Also in the apartment there is a microwave, a washing machine, a plasma panel-TV of 1.5 meters, a large two-chamber refrigerator, all necessary small appliances, sets of bed linen and towels, shower accessories and utensils. Plastic windows reliably protect you from noise, and intercom - from uninvited guests. And the windows look great! Nearby there are several shopping centers, shops, cafes and restaurants. At 50 meters from the house there is a cinema "Kirghizia" where you can watch the novelties of cinema and have a good time. The apartment has: high-speed, wireless Wi-Fi Internet. Comfortable bathroom. Daily rental apartments in Moscow - an ideal option to avoid housing problems during a short trip! She rents hourly and at night. 3 hours = 1500r. The price may vary depending on the time of arrival, the length of the reservation and the number of guests. Book now while the apartment is vacant. OPERATIVE MIGRATION! We provide discounts from the number of days of stay! Call, waiting for you! * The price is indicated with the reservation of 30 days and payment immediately

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