1-кімн. квартира для 3 гостей, 38 м2

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Діти Вік 2 — 12
Максимум 3 гостя (за винятком немовлят)
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На сайті з січня 2014 Здає

Мови: Русский
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3610 за добу

Власник квартири


На сайті з січня 2014 Здає

Мови: Русский
Написати власнику
Спілкуйтеся лише через Vlasne. З метою безпеки ніколи не переказуйте гроші і не спілкуйтеся за межами сайту

опис квартири

The apartment is located in the center of St. Petersburg, on the corner of ul. Uprising and Baskov Lane. Within walking distance all the main attractions of St. Petersburg: the State Hermitage-Winter Palace, the Russian Museum, the Russian Ethnographic Museum, the Kunstkamera, the Zoological Museum, the Central Naval Museum, the Peter and Paul Fortress; Glinka Chapel, Mariinsky Theater, Mikhailovsky Theater, Shostakovich Philharmonic, Alexandria Theater; Kazan Cathedral, the Cathedral of the Savior on Blood, St.

Isaac's Cathedral, the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. Within walking distance is the Museum of the apartment of Dostoevsky F.M., Rimsky - Korsakov N.A., Nekrasov N.A. Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic, Military Medical Museum, Museum of Musical Instruments, Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace On the Vladimirsky Prospect is the Len Council Theater (5 minutes walk), a little further - on the Rubinstein Street - the Small Drama Theater of Europe under the direction of Lev Dodin. Recreation and entertainment. Near the house there are Olimpic Shopping Center and Stockman, with 24-hour paid parking, gyms, shops and boutiques and a cinema. On Vladimirsky Prospect. there is a shopping center "Vladimirsky Passage" with a beautiful bakery "Baltic bread" and a 24-hour supermarket "Land". The Oceanarium on 76 Marat Street will introduce you to the diverse world of the underwater kingdom. There are several restaurants and cafes in the same building. In the immediate vicinity of the apartment there is a pier (embankment of the Fontanka River) from where you can take exciting excursions along the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg on comfortable river buses, which is rightly called Northern Venice. This will allow you to see another facet of this city, swim under bridges, each of which is a real masterpiece of engineering art of the 19-20 century. m. Ploschastiya 7-10 min walk. Entrance from Baskov pereulok. The apartment has just completed repair, everything is new. 1st floor, total 38 meters. The apartment has double-glazed windows, the atmosphere of home comfort is preserved. Here you will find everything you need, which you can expect from a good accommodation option. It consists of 1 bedroom 19 meters and a kitchen 9 meters. The apartment has elements of author's design. The kitchen area is equipped with a gas stove, dishwasher, refrigerator, microwave, electric kettle. The spacious bathroom has a corner bath, sink and toilet. The apartment can simultaneously accommodate 3 people (double bed sofa bed) Bed linen is provided. wifi

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