2-кімн. квартира для 8 гостей, 60 м2

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Діти Вік 2 — 12
Максимум 8 гостей (за винятком немовлят)
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Мінімальний термін проживання для цього періоду —
Будь ласка, виберіть гостей
Максимум 8 гостей (за винятком немовлят)
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за добу

На сайті з січня 2016 Здає

Мови: Русский
Написати власнику
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Запросити бронювання
2360 за добу

Власник квартири


На сайті з січня 2016 Здає

Мови: Русский
Написати власнику
Спілкуйтеся лише через Vlasne. З метою безпеки ніколи не переказуйте гроші і не спілкуйтеся за межами сайту

опис квартири

WITHOUT COMMISSIONS AND INTERMEDIARIES !!! NOT AN AGENCY !!! THE PRICE varies depending on the season, the number of people, the number of days, holidays and weekends. Center of St. Petersburg: 6 minutes on foot to the metro MAYAKOVSKAYA, 5 minutes to the nevsky railway station. 13 MINUTES WALKING FROM THE APARTMENT The Neurological Center LOGO FORECAST (Forecast, Neuroprognosis, Logoton, Southern prognosis, Southern clinic).

In walking distance: North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Euromed Clinic, Clinic of Scandinavia. Also within walking distance are many of the city’s main attractions - Tauride Garden, Smolny Cathedral, Mikhailovsky Park, Mikhailovsky Castle, Suvorov Museum, Summer Garden, Marsovo Pole, Nevsky Prospect. The apartment is equipped with all necessary appliances and furniture for a comfortable stay - two LCD TVs - in the kitchen and in the large room, gas stove, refrigerator, hairdryer, iron, washing machine, unlimited Wi-Fi, kitchen utensils and cutlery. Sleeping places: - in a large room there is a double corner sofa and a double bed - in a small room there is a double bed - in the kitchen there is a folding sofa-book. FOR CHILDREN we provide for an additional fee - a highchair, a stroller, a playpen and other accessories. The entrance to the house’s entrance is in the courtyard, the windows of the apartment overlook the courtyard and the noise of cars, the bustle of the city will not bother you. Upon arrival, we photograph the counters - electricity and water. Which are paid upon departure. This is done for disciplinary purposes. Because, often our guests forget to leave when they turn off the lights and close the water. Final cleaning - 1200 rubles. Upon entering the apartment, an insurance deposit of 5,000 rubles is taken, which is returned upon departure, subject to the rules of residence, the preservation of furniture, appliances and the return of keys. SMOKING IN THE APARTMENT IS FORBIDDEN (in case of violation - the deposit is not refundable). DO NOT GIVE UP FOR PARTIES AND EVENTS! Bed linen and towels - free! Reservation is carried out by making a deposit of 5,000 rubles. There is also the possibility of correspondence in instant messengers - Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram - write your contact phone number in messages - we will contact you! We will be glad to receive you at our place.

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