1-кімн. квартира для 2 гостей, 25 м2

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Діти Вік 2 — 12
Максимум 2 гостя (за винятком немовлят)
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На сайті з квітня 2012 Здає

Мови: Русский
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833 за добу

Власник квартири


На сайті з квітня 2012 Здає

Мови: Русский
Написати власнику
Спілкуйтеся лише через Vlasne. З метою безпеки ніколи не переказуйте гроші і не спілкуйтеся за межами сайту

опис квартири

If you come to Saratov or were waiting for the guests, do not waste time looking for accommodation, please call us immediately! We will solve all your problems absolutely! We offer apartments in the center of Saratov (opposite the park "sticky" in the mansion REYNTSENSHTEYNA). You will live in a house with the Atlanteans on the front, with two centuries of rich history, and at the same time with all the comforts of XXI century.

In the lobby you will be greeted staircase of great beauty as well as a gallery of photos of old Saratov. And in the room you will find a Wi-Fi, air-conditioner, a small kitchen with all necessary utensils and appliances, washing machine, comfortable table for computer work and a comfortable bed to relax after a busy day. You would never cold, as heating, you can always turn on themselves (at any time! Even in the summer!). You will have no problems with parking, because in the closed yard of the house we bought 4 parking spaces. You do not need to bring a hair dryer or iron - it's all there in the apartment. We do not use in their apartments cheap bed linen and towels. We do not bring old dishes that it's time to throw away. We complete all of their apartments by modern household items and furniture. All our apartments are cleaned with Kvartsevanie and air ionization, so here you will never go into the smoke-filled or just smelling apartment. We rent apartments of different classes, from economy (p 999) to elite (3000r), but everywhere you will find cleanliness, respect and comfort. The only difference is in the area, as the window and the presence of a lift. We are the owners of their apartments. We do not rent and retake other people's apartments. Therefore, for your comfort we respond to and from. If your need extra sleeping space, we offer you an extra bed instead of an inflatable mattress. We rent apartments and pochasno (250 p / h). Call us and you will be satisfied with our service. The only thing we do not, we're not renting apartments to young companies. Never! Infrastructure: OWN PARKING !!! Instead Limes Park. In the neighboring house the administration of the Volga area, 100 meters to the seafront, 100 m to the Conservatory. Excellent restaurant on the ground floor of the house. 100 m to the arbitral tribunal. Near Institute of Traumatology. Ideal location for touring the city. You'll like it!!!

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після 11:00
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