1-rooms. apartment for 3 guests, 40 m2
The owner
flat description
The apartment is in a new znahoditsya elіtnomu zhitlovomu budinku on vulitsі Shashkevych in Trskavtsі. Budinok administrations ekspluatatsіyu in 2013 zhovtnі rock. In kvartirі zrobleny in 2014 listopadі rock Suchasna єvro- repair (natyazhnі frantsuzkі stelі, pokrittya stіn s Іtalії (sugar otochento).
Tsіlodobovo Yea garjachego that cold water. Autonomous scorched. Apartment oblashtovana vsіm neobhіdnim for living: gas stove that kitchen furniture, refrigerator , mіkro-hvilova pіch, iron is the gladіlna planks, Washing machine, electro-kettle, crockery. In kvartirі Yea FEB bedroom lіzhko s ortopedichnim mattress, nightstand prilіzhkova, krіslo rozkladne, Shafa coupe, chest of drawers, bedside table i televіzor plasma. takozh Yea іnternet, satellite telebachennya.
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